Team 2 arrive

With two delayed flights to Brussels it was a rush for both groups to make the Entebbe flight. But we all made it safely and all had seats within the same section so there was time to catch up with each other. Just one missing case to report – we hope that will turn up in the next 24 hours. We had a glimpse of two team 1 members though the window into the departure lounge. Amid much waving and gestures we gathered they had had a good time!

We stopped overnight in Entebbe at a hotel not used by the team before – it was interesting. You have to keep reminding yourself this is Africa and get on with it.

It was a late night and after 5 hours we woke for breakfast with the sound of very heavy rain and thunder. You could not believe how wet you can get walking the 20 meters to the breakfast bar.

Soon we were on the now familiar road to Kampala and Jinja. It was a straight forward journey with fewer holdups than usual. It was great to turn into the road leading to our hotel and see the welcoming party in the middle of the road waving vigorously. The team 2 was now complete.

Once everyone was settled into what is to be our rooms for the next two weeks, we headed off to a beautiful spot overlooking the Nile for much needed food, a drink and lots of excited chatter. This may be the team for those who have been before but it does not lessen the sense of anticipation for what’s to come.