UgandAid Gift Bag Preparation Station

In preparation to our visit to NVI to welcome our 45 new UgandAid students Julie put a lot of work in behind to ensure that each student receives a welcome gift bag. Each bag contains a notepad, some pens, toothbrush and toothpaste, flannel, soap and sewing kit. We would like to thank everyone for their kind donations and to Val’s Girl Guiding group for making and providing the bags. When the new students first arrive many will bring nothing with them, the likelihood being that they will not have any of their own possessions. All students have to provide everything they need for themselves and this will help them at the start of their NVI journey.

It was a real team effort putting the bags together and ensuring that each had a name tag and no-one was missed. We can’t wait to meet all the new students this week and to give out the bags.