Day 1 18/02/25 (Brian)

We've arrived!!

Travel has gone well , we are all now checked in at our base in Jinja for the next 2 weeks

The road journey here is always long but equally amazing - so good to see the sights and sounds of street life around Entebbe and Kampala.

When we arrived in Jinja we spent some time at a favourite place overlooking the beautiful Nile river and getting refreshed - it was great to be together as a team (re-uniting with 3 Helen, Peter, Alayna ,who had gone early to see gorillas in the Jungle- they’ll tell you more on their upcoming blogs)

Great to meet Edison (Director of NVI) over dinner and hear a bit about his journey with NVI. The scene is set to start work on the library tomorrow!!

Looking forward to it!

God bless
