Team One have arrived!

We are really pleased to say that Team One have safely arrived after a long but enjoyable journey with so much to see along the way. We are now getting into the swing of things at the aptly named Hotel Paradise in Jinja. It’s been lovely getting to know each other - we are twenty strong with a nice mix of ages with some repeat returners and some having their first Ugandaid experience.

We are on Day Three and we were given a wonderful tour of all of the student facilities and each department at Nile Vocational Institute (NVI) where we will be doing the majority of our work. It was fantastic to meet staff and students and we were given a really warm welcome by everyone. After our tour and a delicious lunch made by the catering students just as we were beginning to feel like we were on holiday enjoying the sunshine and beautiful surroundings our hard work began…

Wifi has been a little bit temperamental so please bear with us for any delays in updates and photos!