17/02/2024- And relax... (For a day!)

Today was our day off!

Most of the team chose to go kayaking and it was brilliant. We set off in the morning and spent the whole time travelling, not so gracefully at times, up and down the Nile. It was such an adventure and everyone had so much fun!!

The rest of the team met up with Betty, a friend from previous years. Betty and some of the women she works with had created a range of different products: bags, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, Christmas decorations, etc.. and the team were in such awe of how hard they had worked and how sustainable and environmentally friendly they were. A lot of the products were made from seeds, paper, stone, etc.. The products are available to buy if you are interested, just contact the team!

In the afternoon everyone met up and went to the Source cafe for lunch. Isaac (Ex-Student) joined us and we all had a wonderful time chatting and eating LOTS of avocado!!! A lot of the team then decided to go to the indoor market. The market is definitely a unique experience and not something you could describe to someone who’s not been. After a long time spent trying to locate specific items the team made it out in one piece.

Isabelle stayed at the cafe and met with Dr William again to catch up further and discuss how he’s been generally, a much more chilled experience than the market for sure.

The team had a relaxing evening and went to Java for dinner which was a crowd favourite. We even tried white, sweet potato which was an interesting but delicious experience.