Day 12 01/03/25 (Alayna)
/Day 12
Upon waking, I realized that we go home in a few days. It felt odd to realize that because I’ve just seemed to have settled into things here…
We started the morning by going to Joshua’s culinary shop. He was so happy to receive us there. And we could see how proud and honoured he was at our arrival. After looking around his shop at the types of food and cakes he makes (which are incredibly impressive and some are very complicated) we all sat down in his little cafe area. He formally greeted us with a speech about his life story…his beginnings, time at NVI, and what he’s done since then. It was so inspirational to hear what a difference people have made in his life, and the resilience and passion he has displayed to get to where he is today. I’m always so impressed at how eloquent and genuine the people are here. They choose their words so carefully, and they are so full of meaning and purpose. The self-awareness and reflection they must have in order to speak like that is so moving to witness and experience. Their words cut straight to my heart.
Some of us went back to CRO in the early afternoon to drop off bags of rice and beans for the street children. Noah was so thankful for the gift and his appreciation really showed. It was a bit of an emotional moment for some (or maybe it was just me). Sometimes even little acts of kindness have a giant impact. Even when serving others doesn’t seem like enough, it means so much to those receiving. I need to remember that when I feel like how I serve others will not be enough.
The afternoon was filled will planning skits for the church service tomorrow, choir practice for church, and a few hours of relaxing. Everyone really took things onboard and engaged in the process which was so perfect. As my parents always used to say, many hands make light work, and that indeed rang true today. We really are a team.