Day 10 - Wednesday 8 March 2023 - Organised chaos and international sports

Today was the day the team got to meet the new first year UgandAid sponsored students.

With the mini buses full and one with the previously purchased metal trunks piled high on top, we arrived at NVI. We proceeded to the large hall where all the final, second and first year students were patiently waiting. Mr Kaninga and Christine from the UgandAid team made speeches to the students of how proud UgandAid are of them and how they are all part of the UgandAid family.

After the final and second year students were dismissed, there were 45 first year students and it was time for those on the trip who has chosen to personally sponsor a student to meet them. There was excitement and nerves but lots of smiles as each student and their sponsor was called and got to meet eachother.

After photos were taken and introductions were made it was time for the new students to receive their gifts from UgandAid - metal boxes with padlocks for those that didn’t have and a thermos flask, tea and a cup for those that did. Each student was called and their respective gift provided. Those with the trunks got to decorate them with stencils, paints and stickers, it was a really lovely sight with the team helping all of the students choose their paint colours and swapping letter stencils so each could have their name on their trunk. The students gifted the flasks were able to paint and decorate their flasks so each knew the owner! It was a great sight, with the whole team working together helping the new students.

In the afternoon was the football and netball matches. Chris, Kiran and Ashley from the UgandAid team joined the first year team playing against the second years and Danni joined the netball team as Centre position! The rest of the team helped continue with some of the catering room renovations and provided much encouragement and support from the sidelines! Some of the team spent time with their sponsored student, getting to know each other more, whilst cheering for the UgandAid team! After a very hot first half the UgandAid players were swapped out, but received a round of applause for their efforts! The football ended in a 1 all draw, whilst the netball match was very close!

A fantastic introduction to the new UgandAid students and everyone on the team said what a wonderful day it was spending time with them and getting to know their stories!